I specialize in coaching for IT and Professional Services Firms, and Management and Consulting Organizations
My solutions and services focus on three key concepts: Elevate|Optimize|Impact (EOI*) -
ELEVATE Involvement|OPTIMIZE Performance|IMPACT Engagement & Bottom-Line Revenue
We ELEVATE individual, team and organizational understanding of strengths, weaknesses, values, visions and aspirations.
We collaborate with our clients to leverage strengths and capitalize on growth areas in order to OPTIMIZE realization of vision.
Through actualization of vision, we positively IMPACT the individual leaders within organizations to achieve a more effective workforce and stronger revenues.
Assess human capital strengths and gap areas within the organization; perform formal EQ-I 2.0 and EQ-I 360 assessments
It is extremely helpful to have a baseline for understanding strengths, weakness, and challenge areas experienced by leaders, teams and peers. I like to incorporate assessments as part of the coaching engagement. Some of the key tools leveraged are the EQ-I 2.0 and 360 assessments – both for individuals as well as groups. Understanding of one’s Emotional Intelligence and how to leverage it for strengthening the self, working with others, addressing challenges and problem-solving has proven to be extremely beneficial for clients. They can be used to benchmark progress throughout the course of the coaching engagement. Strengths and Values’ assessments are also used as part of my work with clients. We work together on action plans arising from growth areas surfaced through the assessments.
Assess CEO, CFO, CMO, COO leadership approach, strengths and development areas
Senior executives set the pace for the organization, and their performance can result in a successful, high-revenue enterprise, or a failed company with shrinking returns. Particularly during transformation and reinvention initiatives, executives find themselves under extreme pressure and scrutiny, which funnels down to all levels of the company. Morale takes a hit across employees, and attrition is often on the rise.
Having worked through many transformations with all levels of senior leadership, I provide high-performance coaching to ensure executives are performing at their best in stressful situations, driving vision and meaning down to their employees. We focus on key areas for positive development, with the goal of realizing executive impact that resonates throughout the organization.
Assess Senior and mid-level leadership approach, strengths and development areas
Having strong leadership in place is essential to every organization, for strategic planning, day-to-day operations, and succession planning. Unfortunately, employees that could benefit from even a small amount of mentoring do not receive it, nor it is delivered in a manner they can receive, thereby leading to disenchantment and attrition.
I engage across all levels of leadership, crafting an agenda for goals, and partnering with them to collaborate on growth objectives and realistic, implementable action steps which they can put into practice real-time. Assessments are a key part of my engagements – identifying a baseline at the start, and then revisiting as our work together continues.
Assess strategic partnership (customers, vendors, board members, investors) communication dynamics, facilitate group and one-on-one coaching
Much like my coaching for executive leaders, I collaborate with participants of strategic partnerships to identify opportunities for better communication and execution of collective goals. I perform assessments, interviews and debriefs, identifying and driving towards key steps for vendors and other associates to communicate and implement plans and processes more successfully. We specialize in prime/subcontractor relationship enhancement.
Building strong partnerships is critical, particularly as more engagements involving teaming together and sub-contracting.
Provide coaching services aligned with professional and personal reinvention objectives
While the need for change is often filled with trepidation and anxiety, it can also be a fascinating journey of discovery and excitement. I collaborate with my clients to identify and explore their knowledge, skills, talents, experience and interests – and work with them to map out a future version of themselves. I coach with my clients to research and network on new opportunities. My clients have all been pleased with the new understanding of their talents they’ve uncovered and rewarding career paths that have ensued.
Contact | Testimonials | Services | About
Michelle Jonas
michelle@michellejonas.coach | +1 651.492.7244
Copyright © 2021 Jonas Leadership and Coaching